Sunday, August 13, 2006
Hollywood Fantasies...
'Still no time to play effectively in blog-land but wanted to comment briefly on, "The Manchurian Candidate," which I just viewed (although it has been available on DVD for some time now)...
What a crock of nonsense!
Amazing how the original film's villains -- authoritarian communist dictators -- have morphed into contemporary Hollywood's idea of who we should really fear most. Although a few scenes showed the evil capitalists smoking cigars in secret boardrooms, they missed the fashion detail of stovepipe hats and twirling mustaches.
We're currently in a real war with a National Socialist Islamic "philosophy" and all Hollywood can keep regurgitating is some mythical capitalist shadow monster that wants some kind of amorphous world domination.
The typical Jacobin swine is at least partially aware when they see business persons as being "in it for the money," but this almost Sci-Fi image of big corporations wishing to enslave us seems to miss the point that there really are other groups of people who would like to do just that (while eliminating capitalism in the process). They also miss the point that capitalism is what has brought humanity out of slavery to both natural elements and autocrats. (And, as a "materialist" dare I say, we get lot of cool toys to play with as well).
Like,...I soooo fear Starbucks, and McD's. To tell the truth, I really don't care that Halliburton type companies are examples of the many big corporations in the world that seek greater and greater profit either. Sell a product, people pay you, get rich -- so f___ing what?
Meanwhile, the spawn of Mohammad continue to plan a world of burka clad slaves, dead homosexuals, and obedient cave dwelling societies...with the usual sympathy and aid of Leftist control freaks with foil firmly wrapped around their mock rebel heads.
-- Pathetic.